Player Registration
Registering as a player is fast, easy and free... but best of all, you get full access to the Players Hub to record and track your scoring progress across all our arcade games!

Join the community of players and feel the rewards of setting goals and challenging yourself to chase high scores. Once registered, you'll be able to earn Ranking Points simply by submitting new scores and attending our competitions and events.
Your Details
Enter your details below. Only your Firstname, Hi-Score Name & Handle will be publically visible. Your Surname, Email & Phone are only used for account management and are not visible to the public.

Your Player Profile
Complete your player profile below to complete your registration...
Date of Birth
Month & Year are required to determine player age bracket

Your Hi-Score Name
When you set a Hi-Score, the 3-Character name you enter...
Player Identity
Your Player Handle (a publically visible Player Name)

Account Access
There are two sign-in methods for your account, Quick access and Full access.
  • Quick Access is used just for submitting scores, with no other account features.
  • Full Access give you access to all your Player Hub account features.
3-5 Chars long, alpha-numeric short password 6+ Chars with no spaces (Supports alpha-numeric + most special chars)

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