There was a time when most movie adaptations into video games resulted in a poor second-class product... this is NOT such an occasion as Konami knocked it out of the park with this one!
The Alien movies were a huge inspiration for Konami’s Contra, so it would only make sense that they’d eventually pick up an official license for it. Strangely, this game - based on the second movie, Aliens - was released in the arcades in 1990, a few years after the release of the movie. The game plays like a combination between Contra and a beat-em-up, bringing Contra style shooting into an isometric space where you are more free to move around (well, in some levels at least). it’s all shooting action, you can move up and down in the scenery, and you have a life bar. You can’t jump, but you do have the ability to duck and fire, which not only lets you hit crawling aliens, but also makes you a smaller target.
Great shooting fun, atmospheric and with a killer soundtrack make this a must-play for any fan of the movies!