Mission Craft is a vertical shooter made by the Korean developer, Sun Amusements. While specifics of the game's development is unknown, it appears to be an unlicensed game which makes heavy use of both StarCraft and WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness's graphics assets, to create an arcade shoot 'em up!
The end result is a fun shooter that has a real Psikyo feel, and the unique feature of small Health Bars above each enemy (as usually seen in RTS games).
The player flies the titular Mission Craft (actually a Typhoon) destroying Terran, Zerg and Protoss targets and units. The craft's firepower is upgraded with power-ups which allow a more bullets to fire and additional missiles. Bombs can also be used to destroy groups of opponents or otherwise inflict heavy damage.
There's lots of fun to be had here in this rarely seen arcade blaster :-)
Game Facts & Trivia
Mission Craft uses graphic assets from the StarCraft and WarCraft games, although there was never an official licensing!